Tax is an important aspect of business, failure in planning and decision-making can cause significant losses for the company. We provide tax consulting services to you and transfer of knowledge needed by company proactively and comprehensively, TAXSPEED is ready to provide the taxation advice for your business.
Business expansion will need a legal arrangement and registration process, we can provide advice regarding your tax obligations which is very important for clients to avoid tax sanctions and penalties. Including; registration of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN/NPWP), registration of Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP), request for Tax Invoice Serial Number, etc.
We provide a review of all tax obligations contained in the company to determine the level of compliance in fulfilling tax obligations based on the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. Our review is based on the company’s financial bookkeeping and we will give suggestions and recommendations regarding the results of the review, as an improvement for clients in the future.
We offer suggestions to clients based on Tax Regulations and give recommendations regarding your business to avoid mistakes and penalties in the taxation. We will arrange consultation with clients face-to-face or via online meeting.